I had the best experience with Glamour Hair Extensions Boutique in Wheaton, MD. Gina from @glamyourhair is the owner and who made me go from basic to chic! Being in her chair was honestly such a good time, we laughed, shared stories and was able to connect. I personally love being able to get to know more about my stylist. I think it’s important to not only find a professional who can provide you a great service but also provide a great experience as well.
Above is a before photo.
I’ve had every type of hair extensions you can think of and the Microlink is my favorite so far. Gina provides the following services: hairtalk ( formerly hotheads) tape installation, brainless weaves, fusion, microlinks, traditional weaves, one step extension & more.
Full head installation includes between 6-8 bundles, we used 7 bundles for my hair! Installations takes about 2-4 hours depending on how much hair you have.
The prices below are based on 20 or 24 inches, she has other lengths as well.
– full install: $599 20 inch with installation
– full install: $699 24 inch with installation
– 20 inch by bundle: $100
– 24 inch by bundle: $120
Maintenance: every 8-10 weeks $250 — Maintenance takes the same amount of time as install. All clips are opened and extension moved back close to the scalp. Clients should shampoo their hair before their appointment so that the extensions are clean and ready for maintenance.
If you mention you found out about her salon from me, you will get a $50 credit on any installation! Take advantage of her offer, she doesn’t do discounts!!!
Above is a photo of the micro links being installed.
Installation for mine took about 3 hours, she then layered my hair to the way I requested and then curled my hair as well. I don’t let many people touch my hair since my Grandma and Mom are both stylists but Gina layered my hair perfectly and listened to what my wants and needs were. She did a little at a time and had me check to see how it was laying. I appreciate the little things like that. I’m sure you have had a bad experience when someone cuts too much, lol. Don’t you hate that? Gina is amazing at what she does and I will trust her with my hair in any situation now!
The finished product, amazing right? I could die!
I waited a few weeks to write this post because I wanted to test the quality of the hair, how the micro links felt in my hair and etc.
Let’s start by saying the quality of the hair is great, no complaints at all. I’ve had extensions before where they should shed worse than my dog, which is annoying. That didn’t happen with these.
The micro links themselves are a little weird at first because I wasn’t used to them, they are flat so when you sleep it doesn’t hurt. For the first 2-3 days they are a little tight, not to the point of pain though. I also changed up how I treated my hair, you must treat this hair like it’s your baby. Not only because you spent money on it, but you have to take care of it. I also condition my hair every other day now and use hair masks as well. I use a lot of products on my hair so it’s important not to dry the hair out.
I’ve gotten a question also about how heavy the hair is. This is the lightest my head has felt with extensions. I used to do a lot of sew-ins and it really weighs down your head and hair. I feel like with the microlinks it’s a lot less pressure on your scalp and the hair that it’s connected to. Again, this is just my opinion. All extensions can damage your hair if your stylist doesn’t install them correctly or you treat your hair bad. So remember, find a good stylist aka Gina and take care of your hair.
Another tip on brushing your hair with the microlinks in: Hold your hair at the scalp and then brush, you never want to brush and pull hard on your extensions. They could either loosen up or even fall out. Again, remember – baby these extensions!! I also always brush my hair after the shower and before bed I either put it into a braid or two, or even ponytail it, you don’t want to sleep with wet hair and have a bunch of knots when you wake up.
Feel free to reach out to me or Gina if you might have any other questions about the service! My email is tonyamichelle26@hotmail.com!
Gina’s Contact information:
t: 301-717-6964
e: gina@glamouryou.net
Instagram – Facebook – Twitter
And don’t forget $50 off your installation if you mention my name!
xo Tonya Michelle
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