Since being quarantined- I’m diving into projects around the house that I’ve been wanting to get done yet haven’t taken the time! I’ve been getting our front porch decor ready for Spring and the one thing I hated from last year is how much money we spent on real flowers just for them to die. I’m at the point where I’d like to purchase nice decor and use it year over year until we really want a big change. So after tons of Amazon Hauls and returns I found some gorgeous faux items that we are using!
DIY project #1:
Taking the faux flower trees and planting them into terra-cotta pots!
I had two pots we used from last summer that simply needed some love. I wasn’t crazy about the color and decided to spray paint them white.
*Tip, this spray paint grip handle made it so much easier and my hands weren’t covered in spray. Linked HERE.
We laid down a cloth outside and begin to spray paint a thin layer on both pots. It’s best to do a thin layer, let it dry then do another. This helps prevent any drips! (I didn’t clean the inside of the pots simply because we were going to put sand in them anyways, I only cared about the outside!)
Once 3 coats were painted on them I flipped the upside down so I could paint the bottom of the lip and to make sure I didn’t miss any spots.
Next I took an old box and cut out two pieces of cardboard to place at the bottom of the pots. This was to cover up the hole. Next we took a soil scooper and took the faux plant out of it’s original planter box. This planter box wouldn’t fit into the pots we had.
Once removed I took light brown play sand and filled around the faux plant in the pot. I liked this color so I didn’t add any soil on top. You could easily add soil to make it look more realistic. The purpose of the sand is to make sure the pots are weighted for weather. We don’t want them to blow over!
I love the way they came out and I think they look perfect on our doorstep! I’m glad I took the time yesterday to get away from my normal routine and do something that got my mind off what’s going on in the world.
Now I need to find the perfect wreath for our door! 🙂
All items on my porch linked here for purchase:
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