Now is a fantastic time to introduce kids to edutainment, educational videos on Youtube that both entertain and educate. I’ve put together this list of some of the best channels out there for kids who are just learning their ABCs all the way up to educational videos for adults.
Animal Planet –
Clips from episodes of Animal Planet TV shows that reveal something exciting about animals, including videos with the Irwins.
Animal Wonders Montana –
A channel dedicated to teaching about pets and other animals from an animal educator who takes care of more than 80 species in her home in Montana.
Crash Course –
A channel that teaches world history, biology, literature, and more for high schoolers and anyone older.
Crash Course Kids –
Much like Crash Course, there is a Crash Course for Kids. They stopped making videos a few years ago but with over 100 videos there is something for all elementary school-aged kids to fall in love with.
Full Time Kid –
Kids can learn how to make a homemade composter, DIY glow in the dark stars, or even learn the sign language alphabet from Mya, the Full Time Kid. Sadly, there aren’t many videos on the channel but the ones that are there are fantastic, fun, and sure to inspire curiosity.
Math Meeting –
Math meeting covers topics ranging from basic math problems all the way up to complex calculus. While this channel is geared mostly towards teens and adults it is a great learning tool for all ages.
Minute Physics –
Quick science lessons for High Schoolers to adults in just a few minutes that ask questions like is it better to walk or run in the rain or why the solar system is flat.
National Geographic –
National Geographic covers everything from ancient civilizations to the possibility of other planets that could support life in the galaxy.
National Geographic Kids –
Go on safari, see incredible and weird places around the world, and learn about some of the best jobs ever on National Geographic Kids.
Organic Learning –
Fun educational videos for kids made using Hot Wheels, Paw Patrol Playsets, and other toys. In the videos, they teach the names of colors, how to count, and even the ABCs.
PBS Kids for Parents –
Kids get to explore the world through crafts and cooking. This is a great one if you’ve got a closet full of under-loved craft supplies.
Physics Girl –
Physics Girl is a channel dedicated to getting girls interested in learning about physics and the physical sciences with experiments and field trips.
SciShow –
Science news and educational videos that focus on all sorts of science topics for High Schoolers and adults. They also have a space focused channel called SciShow Space.
SciShow Kids –
Kids learn why fire is hot and even the science behind temporary tattoos. This channel teaches a variety of science topics to elementary school-age kids.
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